Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Five Twits of Twitter. Which one are you?

The Five Twits (Twitter users) in the known universe, in no particular order.

1. Consumer

A Consumer is a quiet user of Twitter. Following lots of tweeters, or just a few prolific ones. The Consumer takes in every tweet like she is reading a story. Perhaps she is. This Twit is not out to make a mark on Twitter, and may be in the early stages of learning what Twitter is all about.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Why The 1:1 Debate is a False One

The computer revolution has slowly reshaped the landscape of education. In my personal experience it started with Apple IIe's in my middle school. It was the mid 80s and we were taught some basic programming. It was not an effective use of technology, but it was the first trend. The third trend is the move to one to one learning. From where I sit, this is not a fad any more.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

iPad Presentations - The perfect answer(s)

Creating presentations with the iPad in ways that are educationally sound and that can easily be shared with a broader audience, requires a little bit of a thoughtful approach. While there are always more ways to do things, this post presents the most common and comprehensive options including tips on sharing, exporting and more. In this post I explore 3 formats and highlight several apps for each:

Thursday, December 6, 2012

PARCC - Common Core Test Will Require Students on Computers

Beginning in 2014-2015, there will be 23 states adopting the new, Common Core driven, PARCC standardized assessment. While the Common Core has been adopted in 45 states and the replacement of current high stakes tests with this new multi-state tool are common knowledge, there are some things that are not common knowledge.

As of December 2012, the expectations of PARCC will be that all students are taking the exam on a computer device with few exceptions. This is a quote directly from their technology FAQ:

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Twitter is 4 U! Here is How

The question in this post is how do you find success using Twitter? How do you get in the game? While you will find lots of writing out there on how to be successful in social media, I am going to tell you the simple secret to Twitter success in two rules.